Friday, July 19, 2019

Poetry Friday: Here's to You

The news this summer is horrid and the world seems to be falling apart more each day, but there are still wonderful people around and great friendships to enjoy. I'm sharing a Brooke Fraser song today, toasting old friends.

Cheers to the furrows on our brow
To each hard won victory
Cheers to the losses that grew us up
Killed our pride and filled our cup

Cheers to the friendships well worn in
That time nor distance alter
Here's to the sleepers we'll see again
Fine company in memoriam

Open your mouth and sing out your song
Life is short as the day is long
I can't leave you my body but I'll leave you a tune
This is my legacy
Cheers to you

Cheers to the passing of our youth
And the death of lust not wonder
A toast to the lessons not yet learned
And to the trials that will teach them

Open your mouth and sing out your song
Life is short as the day is long
I can't leave you my body but I'll leave you a tune
This is my legacy
Cheers to you

Open your mouth and sing out your song
Life is short as the day is long
I can't leave you my body but I'll leave you a tune

Open your mouth and sing out your song
Life is short as the day is long
I can't leave you my body but I'll leave you a tune

This is my legacy
This is my legacy
This is my legacy
Cheers to you

Brooke Fraser

Also, Carol Varsalona is sharing the Poetry Swap poem I wrote for her at her blog. She included some of the photos I've taken this summer - another way I shift my focus from the news.

Here's today's roundup.


  1. Love your blog! I especially liked this line: "Killed our pride and filled our cup"

  2. I love Brooke Fraser. Glad you offered us the welcome nourishment of a tune (and photographs)!

  3. Such a lovely song, Ruth! Thank you, and "Here's to You!"

  4. "Cheers to you" Ruth. I loved hearing Brooke Fraser singing while I read the words (& sang a bit).

  5. Ruth, the song is so soothing. It is just what I needed to find some balance in life. Thanks for being my fabulous poetry swap mate. I was just looking at your spring park photo and felt like slipping right into the serenity of the scene.

  6. I love it! There is so much to work and hope for. We can do it with our friends.

  7. I didn't know this song, so thank you for sharing it. It is the perfect message for this summer.

  8. I feel recharged from the Brooke's song–makes the day a little lighter, thanks Ruth! :)

  9. I too love this song. It's one that works for any age group I think.
