Sunday, October 22, 2006

Still More On Madonna

Here's an article about the children's home where Madonna found David Banda. The statistic quoted in this article is 48 million children in Africa who are vulnerable. "Vulnerable" is a pretty vague term, and I'm sure it includes all kinds of categories. But the people interviewed seem united in a belief that Madonna has done a very good thing for this one child, and that her contributions to Malawi will be a very good thing for many, many, many children. The article concludes, quoting the editor of a Lilongwe newspaper: "I don't know why she picked Malawi, but thank God she did."

In my comments, Jenny (my borrowed view) left a link to an NPR story that was written in response to the hoopla over Madonna's adoption. I very much enjoyed it and so thought I'd repost it for anybody who didn't see it in the comments. Here it is.


  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Glad you liked the NPR story - I had tears rolling down my face listening to it (but I always cry at anything to do with children. Come to think of it, I'll cry at anything - my kids brought hoem a Smoky Bear comic book, probably the exact same one I got when I was a kid, and I was crying at the tale of the little bear orphaned by the forest fire!)

  2. Oh, man, me too. I just finished reading a book called Daughter's Keeper, and I was bawling! A childbirth description (which there is one of in the book) sets me off every time, and other plot elements, too - I don't want to give it away, but I haven't cried so much at any book in a while.

  3. Yeah, Dr B, I just saw that on BBC and posted about it. I wonder what he was told and whether he still has anything to say about what happens.
