Saturday, December 09, 2006

What Kind of a Reader Am I?

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Dedicated Reader

You are always trying to find the time to get back to your book. You are convinced that the world would be a much better place if only everyone read more.

Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm
Literate Good Citizen
Book Snob
Fad Reader
What Kind of Reader Are You?
Create Your Own Quiz

For some reason this didn't post exactly right, and you can't see the bar graph which shows exactly where I fall on the scale for each type of reader. Since I am sure you are dying to know, I am part obsessive-compulsive bookworm, part literate good citizen, and part book snob.

And I have to admit that I cheated on this question:

6. Which set of books have you read ALL of?
a) Bridges of Madison Country, The Da Vinci Code, The Name of the Rose, and at least two Harry Potter books
b) Moby Dick, Huckleberry Finn, Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, The Great Gatsby
c) War and Peace, Silas Marner, Madame Bovary, The Age of Innocence, To the Lighthouse
d) Carrie, The Stand, and a couple other books in high school that I don't remember.

Actually, none of those are true of me. I've read The Da Vinci Code, ALL the Harry Potter books, Huckleberry Finn, Wuthering Heights, Great Expectations, The Great Gatsby, Madame Bovary, and the Age of Innocence. So I went with b), since it seemed closest.

My real Reader Profile is that I live in a place without public libraries and I have a need to be reading something at all times, so I've read some things I probably wouldn't have if I had had more choice. (Not that the books on the above list fit that description. For one thing, I read six of them before I ever moved here. I read The Da Vinci Code because I was curious about all the hoopla, and I genuinely like Harry Potter.) I think the "obsessive-compulsive bookworm" category is, in fact, the most accurate.

(And speaking of obsessive-compulsive, I logged back on to Blogger for no other reason than to put a hyphen in "obsessive-compulsive." That is all you need to know.)


  1. Hey Ruth-

    We are BOred in La Digue. We wanted to let you know the we appreciate your OCD ;-) We go back three and four times to fix little stuff like that ... and then when I find out later that I missed something, it drives me nuts.

    As an English teacher, does it bother you that many bloggers (especially me) use sentence framgments? I am wondering because I was reading a newsletter and was SO SO upset at how poorly it was written. Troy pointed out that when I blog I rarely get through one blog without using a frament. He is right. I like framents. They get a point across. So there.

    But *I* say there are different rules for blogs than there are for books or newspapers or more professional publications.

    I need to know what you think. Does it drive you nuts?

    PS- I loved to read before I moved here. I think I have only read two books since February. I need to get my hands on a stack of better material.

  2. Hey Tara,

    I love your blog. You're right, it's an informal kind of writing. Your fragments don't drive me nuts at all. :-)

    Reading material is a necessity. I hope you can find more of it!

  3. I had to cheat on #6 too, because there was no "all of the above" option. Sheesh, I think there was only one book in the list that I hadn't read, and I believe it was War and Peace.

  4. So, Rich, are you going to read War and Peace? Or has Anna Karenina put you off Russian literature for ever? :-)

    Come on, let's agree to start 2007 by reading War and Peace - I bet our school library has a copy!

  5. Oh, and Rich, you read The Bridges of Madison County?! I'm surprised at you. Far too recently written, I would have thought. (Not to mention rubbish, as I hear - though I didn't read it.)

  6. Actually, I might not have read Bridges. I saw the movie. ;-)

    And I suppose there are one or two on the list I haven't read, now that I look again. Perhaps 3.
