Friday, June 12, 2015

Poetry Friday: Hafiz

Even though school's been out for a couple of weeks now, I was on campus yesterday looking for a particular book.  I found it, and then on my way home I found a whole stack of books that looked as though someone was throwing them away.  One of them was a book of Hafiz's poetry, and I grabbed that and brought it home for safekeeping.

Here are some poems from the book that I especially liked:

Here's another Hafiz poem I posted back in 2013.

The amazing Jama has the roundup today, and the results are sure to be delicious!


  1. Thanks for the touch of Hafiz today, Ruth. What a lucky find!

  2. You are the second to share some of his poetry, Ruth. It is beautiful, with strong convictions. What a find you had!

  3. Twice in one week, the same new-to-me poet! Surprises abound!

  4. What Mary said - I'm now going to have to read more by this amazing poet!

  5. Lovely Lovely poems! Which book is this from? I think I'll be in search of his poetry now....

  6. It's called I Heard God Laughing.
