Friday, October 30, 2015

Poetry Friday: Leaf

We don't have seasons where I live, except hot and a bit less hot, so I always enjoy watching the seasons change from afar.  A friend sent me this photo a couple of weeks ago, and I wrote some haiku to go with it.  
After rough summer,
Bug-chewed, brown spot, scarred by life,
Tough old lady leaf.

Dressed all in yellow,
A beauty in October,
In spite of life's scars.

Which one do you like better?

Here's today's roundup.


  1. I wrote a haiku about leaves today, too, and we do have "leaves", everywhere! I love them both, Ruth, but the first one is my favorite, that "tough old lady leaf".

  2. Hi, Ruth. Actually, I think these poems compliment one another. Why not keep them as a pairing?

  3. I'm with Laura -- the two go nicely together.

  4. Ditto...I like them both, and especially "tough old lady leaf."

  5. Here's another vote for a pairing - they seem to belong together.

  6. Even before reading the other comments, I was going to say that they seem like two stanzas of the same poem!
