Friday, July 15, 2016

Poetry Friday: Friends

Friends are such a blessing, but missing them is sad. I guess that's all Emily Dickinson is saying in this poem. And I concur.  (Scroll down for the text if the photo is too small.)

Are Friends Delight or Pain?
Could Bounty but remain
Riches were good -

But if they only stay
Ampler to fly away
Riches are sad.

Emily Dickinson

Here's today's roundup.


  1. This poem leaves me sad....thinking of dear friends I've been out of touch with in too long. I think it's time for me to write or pick up my phone.

  2. I agree, we miss them very much when they are gone, Ruth. Thanks for Emily's reminder of our special friends.

  3. Emily's words make me miss friends (and family) that I am apart from (no matter the reason). =)
