Thursday, March 22, 2018

Poetry Friday: The Conditional

Happiness is having a daughter who texts you poems.  


  1. BIG smiles on that definition of happiness. So very lovely! I don't know it from the mother angle, having had all sons, but I do send my mom things... most recently an audio clip of me playing "Morning Has Broken" on the cello. IT made ME cry to play it for her, and she said it made her cry to hear it. Thank you for sharing. xo

  2. Sharing from and with our children is very special, agreed. I love the poem she sent, too, Ruth, and thank you for passing it on to us!

  3. So great that she shared this poem with you -- love it!!

  4. Oh, I love that poem. It goes so well with the poem someone else in the roundup shared this morning from How Lovely the Ruins. We can focus on what was or what we wish was, or we can appreciate right now. Beautiful.

  5. Absolutely! Poetry allows us to say things we might never find the right words for. What beautiful, powerful, wonderful words.

  6. Your daughter is a treasure. Lucky you. My daughter today told me that she wants to live in the bookstore.

  7. Yes, that would be enough. What an incredible poem.....and to receive as a gift from your daughter. Well, that's at least a keeper. Sending you both a virtual hug.

  8. A lovely reminder to be grateful for what we've had and what we have. Each moment is a gift.

  9. Awww....I hope to have this experience one day. At least mine enjoys the poems I send her! I suspect she doesn't come across many poems in her biochemistry classes and doesn't have time for much other reading these days.

  10. I love that your daughter sent you this poem and love the poem itself. I appreciate the nudge to be grateful and in the moment--a reminder I need with embarrassing frequency.

  11. Happiness indeed, Ruth. Says something wonderful about your relationship too. :)

  12. There are many perks of having grown up children! Sharing poetry is certainly one of them. Thank you for sharing her thoughtfulness with us!
