Friday, December 20, 2019

Poetry Friday: OTR and Me

I just counted, and this is my fifty-first Poetry Friday post of the year. Once in July it was only a link to the roundup, but all the other Fridays of 2019 (so far, and there's just one week left after this one), I posted some actual content for Poetry Friday. To be honest this was kind of a crummy year in most ways, but that's a little achievement, right there.

I was listening this week to some Advent/Christmas/Winter music, and this Over The Rhine song caught my attention and made me think of a poem I wrote a few months ago. So I'll share both of them with you.

Worry Poem

“No need to worry,” he told me.
“You never need to worry.”

I wondered what would happen
if I listened, and never worried again,
calmed and relaxed,
knew deep down I’d always be safe,
breathed in and slowed down my heart rate
submerged myself in a warm bath of love,
rising up shiny and clean,
snorting and blowing bubbles
like a mama hippo.

I wondered what would happen
if I kept on worrying,
fretted and agonized,
built worst-case scenarios in the air,
clutched with sweaty fingers
all that I fear losing,
rolled myself up in a stressed-out ball,
raising my scaly defenses
like a mama pangolin.

Which shall I choose,
I asked myself,
like a mama person,
accustomed both to the kindness of others
and my own insecurities,
longing for worry-free living
and peaceful serenity,

Ruth, from

Buffy has today's roundup.


  1. Ruth, both the song and your poem have been the best way to start my morning. Worrying can be so troublesome but there is always faith and hope to bring light to any day. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers that you and your family be filled with the spirit of Christmas and worry-free for just a bit. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ruth, congratulations on consistently posting on Poetry Friday. That's quite an accomplishment. Being a worrier, your poem really spoke to me. I keep reminding myself that worry robs me of joy, but somehow I can't overcome it. Wishing you a very happy, healthy holiday and new year!

  3. Someday I will be like Ruth and post regularly on Poetry Friday! I wonder if we all long for worry-free living... thanks for sharing your beautiful poem, and wishing you a less stressful and worry-free new year.

  4. Thanks for sharing the beautiful music and poem. I think we all struggle with worrying; must be a female gene or something. Let's hope for a better 2020. May the spirit of the holiday season lift you up and strengthen your resolve. Keep the faith.

  5. Yes, we all aim to be the mama hippo, but then there is this world we live in...sigh. I hope you will enjoy the holidays, Ruth, and find moments of mama hippo peace and calm.

  6. How beautiful the music, song and poem. Congratulations on 51 posts. I've tried hard to commit to Poetry Friday. But, there were a couple of weeks I just couldn't do it. So, I forgave myself. I'm sorry you've had a crummy year. I'm glad that you are providing positive experiences for students in the midst of it. It matters.

  7. Ruth, the song is lovely! And it's perfectly paired with your wonderful poem. I missed it the first time around, I guess. The images of mama species are just right! I, too, am a worrier. Thanks for reminding me that worry is a choice.

  8. Ruth, thank you for this beautiful post. I keep you in my prayers, knowing from your posts that you have strong faith and a deep well of resources. We all worry. You, my friend, have considerably more to worry about than many of us. I hope that you are kind to yourself, and that joy, peace and comfort will come closer to you and yours.

  9. Gorgeous match Ruth, your poem and the soulful music, the music sure does help let things go… Hope you find that "worry-free" spot sometime soon. I read every night before going to sleep no matter the hour, for it helps me to unwind and put away some of the worry that surrounds our thoughts, thanks!

  10. Both the song and your poem. Wow. You are speaking directly to my heart...

  11. Yes, an achievement, 51 posts. I hope they came to you through calm instead of worry and effort. I just sent a link to this song to my minister of music--such poetry. May we let it all fall with the confidence and grace of a hippo, my friend. Brightest of holy days to you and yours.

  12. That is a monumental achievement, Ruth. Congratulations! "...submerged myself in a warm bath of love" might need to be a Golden Shovel line in the not too distant future. All the best! -- Christie
