Friday, February 14, 2020

Poetry Friday: Valentine's Day and Breakfast

Recently, Modern Mrs. Darcy reposted an essay she wrote in 2015 called "What's Your Unfair Advantage?" and when I thought about it, I decided my unfair advantage is my husband. He has taken care of me so well for so long.
My husband shows his love in many ways. One of them is making food; for most of our marriage, he has been the one who has made almost all the meals. For his Valentine this year, I wrote him a poem about breakfast. I wish I had thirty years of breakfast photos to illustrate with, but these are just from the last few months. 

Love Breakfast

“Here’s your love breakfast,”
you say each morning,
putting down my tray
on the bed in front of me.

Such a variety of love breakfasts:
eggs (scrambled, fried, omelets, frittatas, boiled),
bread (toast, bagels, rolls, biscuits),
pancakes or waffles,
fruit (bananas, mangoes, avocados, tangerines),
tea (hot, with milk and sugar),
cereal (hot or cold, homemade granola),
extras (bacon, sausage, potatoes).

Thirty years of love breakfasts:
breakfast in front of a tent (prepared on a camp stove),
breakfast in one of many little apartments,
breakfast holding a baby,
breakfast with a toddler in a high chair,
breakfast rushing school kids because we’re going to be late,
breakfast before work,
breakfast on vacation.

So many ordinary mornings,
starting the day with your loving care.
Light coming in the windows,
birds singing outside,
you bringing me breakfast
one more time.

Valentine’s Day, 2020
Ruth, from

Linda has today's Valentine's Day roundup.


  1. Spectacular and do full of love. Thank you. For a glimpse of this love.

  2. You are fortunate indeed! What a great way to start each day. Thank you for sharing this.

  3. I'm jealous!! There's nothing like a man who can (and does) cook :). What a loving gesture, all these breakfasts. Your poem is wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  4. A poem for him is also a tasty thing, Ruth, especially as it celebrated the love shown as breakfast arrives each day. Those are the wonderful things too many discount, and everyone should follow the mantra: "Attention must be paid." Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. I love your poem! Your husband sounds like a really special guy! Definitely a keeper! And I bet he loves your Valentine poem!

  6. As they say, you have yourself a keeper! What a lovely poem honouring these daily demonstrations of love. I agree with Linda B, a poem for him is a special thing too.

    I have been away from Poetry Friday for a while and have wondered how you are doing. Is life back to normal for you yet?

  7. There's so much love in the simple act of cooking for another. Especially breakfast. My love cooks many meals for me, and each plate says as much or more than words can.

  8. What a beautiful testimony to love and relationship. You are indeed, a fortunate woman! I love the description of breakfast in the many stages of the life of your family.

  9. Awww... that seems like an awfully nice situation. He keeps making you breakfast and you keep writing him poems! Though I wouldn't mind borrowing him once in a while. ;)

  10. This post made me hungry! What a special way to show love. thanks for sharing.

  11. What a sweet post, poem, and man you have–those breakfasts look scrumptious too, thanks Ruth!
