Friday, March 06, 2020

Poetry Friday: So Beautiful or So What

I'm not sure how it can be Friday again already, since I haven't yet finished reading all of last week's posts. But it's been a great week. We're finishing up our third quarter of the school year, and I have loads of assignments coming in today that I will spend the next few days grading. We made it through the whole quarter without missing any days of school except the ones previously scheduled (Carnival break took place, even though the festivities in Port-au-Prince were cancelled for the second year in a row). This has been a bizarre and uniquely challenging school year, but I can honestly say I have loved every day of this quarter with my students. Our classes are smaller than they were when we started the year, because many of our families have moved, or at least sent their kids somewhere a little more predictable. The State Department moved the travel advisory number back up to 4 yesterday afternoon (4 is the highest number, the worst number, the level you don't want). To all those undeniable facts, I say, I know, but it was still a wonderful quarter and I'm so thankful for being able to teach in my classroom instead of long-distance over the internet. 

Now we are reading about teachers in other parts of the world having to do the distance-learning thing due to COVID-19 (and of course teachers in China have been dealing with this for months now), and to them I say, I see you, friends, wouldn't want to be you. You have all my sympathy and I hope and hope and hope that the virus (which is officially here on our island, one case in the Dominican Republic, an Italian national) doesn't force us to do the same. I hope you, too, will soon be back in your classroom with your kids, teaching them face-to-face, and appreciating that privilege as never before.

I will soon be posting a Birthday Edition post for Poetry Friday, as I received several poetic gifts on my recent birthday.  I'm not ready to do that yet, but in my current "everything's awful and yet everything's fabulous" mood, there's nothing more appropriate than this anthology that the inimitable Irene sent me.
It's called Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems, edited by Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson. I have been loving the beautifully-chosen selections, each one guaranteed to lower one's blood pressure and cause stress to drain out one's fingertips. I promise a review when I have read more of the book.

I also promise a better Poetry Friday post next week, with some, you know, poems in it, but in the meantime, listen to this song by one of my favorite poets, Paul Simon. Here are the lyrics on his site.
"You know life is what you make of it.
So beautiful or so what."

Rebecca over at Sloth Reads has the roundup today. Thanks, Rebecca! Hope I get a chance to read the posts before it's already next Poetry Friday!


  1. To all those undeniable facts, Ruth, I say you are an undeniable force to be reckoned with—a shining light in those students' lives, for sure. Thanks for the Paul Simon this morning. Always a treat. :)

  2. Thanks for the Paul Simon, gets my Friday going, Ruth! I'm glad you're back in the classroom and know there is tension all over the world with the virus keeping students at home. A former student has been teaching in China but was caught in New Zealand on a break trip when so much happened. She's had to return here to Colorado to wait it all out, is so frustrated not to be with her students. Enjoy the time coming closer to your birthday!

  3. Good to hear you had a good quarter despite a tumultuous year overall. I have Poetry of Presence -- and it's indeed a wonderful resource offering much solace and substance for contemplation. We need calming words more than ever!

  4. How wonderful to love your days with your students. I enjoyed the Paul Simon song, and look forward to the review of the book. Thanks so much.

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed your post. How extraordinary to me to hear from a teacher working in Haiti. I hope you can continue to work with your students face to face. Thank you for suggesting Poetry of Presence. I'll add it to my list.

  6. I love the fight in you...the everything's terrible and yet everything's fabulous. We poets are prone to overthinking and over-reflecting. You've got a good balance going on, it seems. Your students are most fortunate to work with you. You really do have great writing material for a someday book, I think. Will it be in verse? I hope so.

  7. Excited to hear your review of Poetry of Presence, especially since it can lower our blood pressure and drain our stress!
    I'm sorry that Haiti's at Level 4. Dang it. Sending you a hug and wishes for things to tilt to the fabulous as much as possible! xo

  8. Ruth, I am also so far behind in reading the Poetry Friday posts but life is what it is now. The news of the virus spreads in NYC now and we heard that water and antibacterial wipes are few and fair between. This news seems so unreal but it is real and we all have to deal with it. Thanks for sharing your birthday gift and by the way Happy Birthday to you. Have a great week.

  9. Good news. Bad news. The balance of our days, if we are lucky. Thanks for the Paul Simon, always a mood changer. Glad to know things are going OK in your part of the world.

  10. I'll take so beautiful, thanks.


  11. Yes to lots of "So Beautiful" thanks for Paul Simons' rhythmic song. Enjoy the new book-looks marvelous!
