Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Slice of Life Tuesday: Vaccines

Everybody is talking about vaccines these days. And particularly one vaccine. Are you going to take it? Aren't you? Are you worried about being a guinea pig? After all, we don't really know if it will work, do we?


As a child, I was fully vaccinated. Actually I was what you might call fully vaccinated plus. In addition to the regular vaccines everyone got, like Polio (remember the sugar cube?), I also had Yellow Fever and Cholera. That's because I traveled quite a lot as a result of my parents' overseas jobs. 

When my children were small, I knew many people who weren't vaccinating, or were doing a delayed schedule. But we lived in Haiti, a place where childhood diseases can be killers, and my children were fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated plus. You know, Hepatitis A, in addition to the standard Hepatitis B. 

The one I turned down for my children was the BCG, an inoculation against Tuberculosis. That's because I had that one, and then as an adult in the US, had issues when my skin test for TB reacted and the medical types freaked out. Then at the beginning of the pandemic, there was speculation that the BCG might actually be protective against COVID. At that point I really regretted saying no to it for my kids. 

I have many fears, but this vaccine isn't one of them. I will get it the moment the opportunity presents itself, which may not be very soon, since I live in a place where it takes a while to get the latest thing. I'm already rolling up my sleeve.


  1. My sleeve is rolled up, too, Ruth. They've knocked elementary teachers to the bottom of the list here, so who knows, but my parents got theirs yesterday and they are so happy. I feel hope like I haven't felt in a while. I hope Haiti gets it sooner than you expect.

  2. Ruth, I remember the lines for the polio vaccine but not a sugar cube. Maybe we did not have that. Here on Long Island the waiting lists are huge and it seems that all we do is look for sites for the vaccine. After two weeks of searching, I was blessed with a notice in my Memorial Sloan Kettering patient portal. The short story is that the Lord blessed me with an appointment on Thursday for the vaccine at the Sloan hospital on Long Island. May your shot come soon because hope is in the air.

  3. Vaccination is the need of the hour and it has done more good than harm. I too am all for it!

  4. I am hoping and praying that shipments arrive your way. I myself am waiting with great hope. Since I am retired AND 62 I am at the bottom of everyone's list! I feel hopeful that it's coming though!
