Friday, August 13, 2021

Poetry Friday: Stuck With You


Every year on my wedding anniversary, I post this song on Facebook. We're back now to the two of us, the originals, as our kids have moved away, one to adult life and one to college. Maybe I'll be able to write about that departure sometime, but not yet. I'm happy to be stuck with my husband still, after all these years; as the song says, "We are bound by all the rest, the same phone number, all the same friends, and the same address." Well, we don't have the same phone number any more, as we each have a cellphone. But the rest remains.

This week's roundup is here.


  1. Dear Ruth, Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on launching your daughter... though I do know how bittersweet that is. And I am glad you are safely back home to Haiti. xo

  2. I've never seen that video, Ruth, certainly that's the poem of life! I loved seeing your picture on FB. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary! Stay strong through the new empty-nester phase!

  4. Happy anniversary. Empty-nesting is fun but it does take getting use to.

  5. Ruth, Happy Anniversary! The song goes with your mood. Enjoy the time alone.

  6. Happy Anniversary, Ruth! I'm humming that familiar song in my head, lucky to be stuck with my honey all these years, too. We really enjoy being around our grown kids when we can these days - they are fun, thoughtful humans! Best wishes all around. (And grateful, again, that you & yours are okay, but it must be beyond traumatic there right now. So many prayers....)

  7. What a fun video, thanks for sharing it, and I share the sentiment of it with you. We just moved our daughter out today, our son is launched already—so new beginnings for my husband and I too… Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Huey Lewis and the News is one of my husband's favorite bands. :) Thanks for sharing. Here's to many more happy years.
