Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Slice of Life Tuesday: Gratiku Day Sixteen


Today parents had the option of sending their kids in person or having them Zoom in from home. There were just a few in my classroom, but they were really there, not having to be asked to turn on their cameras, not disappearing into the ether. They were there, messy and loud and full of opinions. Wonderful!

Real laughing faces
On kids yelling in this room:
No mute button here

Birdtober? Gratiku? What's up with me and these made-up words and daily posting? Well, I've learned that a tiny little burst of creativity each day helps keep me going, stops me from being entirely fixated on the mess. That's why I post daily photos on Facebook. And that's why I'm doing these writing projects. This one is a daily haiku about something I'm thankful for. (A gratitude haiku - get it?) As long as the internet keeps working, I'm going to try to post one every day in November.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the joy of having students in front of you makes for a huge piece of gratitude, Ruth. Enjoy!
