Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Gratiku Day Twenty-Four


Yesterday I wrote about listening, and how thankful I am for it. Today I'm thinking about not listening, about those times when you close your ears and your heart to some voices, because you just have to, for a time or for always. I'm thankful for discernment, and for recognizing that if you want to hear about what the weather is like, it's best to listen to people who have been outside. 

Fingers in my ears.
That voice will not bring me down;
I hear other songs.

Birdtober? Gratiku? What's up with me and these made-up words and daily posting? Well, I've learned that a tiny little burst of creativity each day helps keep me going, stops me from being entirely fixated on the mess. That's why I post daily photos on Facebook. And that's why I'm doing these writing projects. This one is a daily haiku about something I'm thankful for. (A gratitude haiku - get it?) As long as the internet keeps working, I'm going to try to post one every day in November.


  1. I think I know what you mean, Ruth, though what I want to ignore and what you do may differ. We do need to learn to choose wisely. Sending best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, hoping you can connect to the kids and your mother!

  2. Your last line is a beautiful refocus, Ruth. Cling to the good.
