Friday, November 05, 2021

Poetry Friday: Gratiku Day Five


There's more trouble as this week ends. Trouble here in Haiti and trouble far away. But still, morning came as usual. 

Crisis on crisis:
Even so, the sun comes up,
Kettle whistles, tea.

Mary Lee has this week's roundup.


Birdtober? Gratiku? What's up with me and these made-up words and daily posting? Well, I've learned that a tiny little burst of creativity each day helps keep me going, stops me from being entirely fixated on the mess. That's why I post daily photos on Facebook. And that's why I'm doing these writing projects. This one is a daily haiku about something I'm thankful for. (A gratitude haiku - get it?) As long as the internet keeps working, I'm going to try to post one every day in November.


  1. Oh Ruth, you have a joyous spirit even if dimmed by these crises and times of trouble. I enjoy seeing how you continue to write, to share, to look at the world and all there is. So much to rejoice, so much that needs prayer, so much that needs fixing. Hugs from afar to you and all of Haiti, especially.
    Janet Clare F.

  2. A gratiku sounds like just the perfect balance of beauty, brevity and blessing to reframe the day and focus on hope. Praying for you, Ruth. xx (Lovely light touch in your haiku. It could be a soufflé.)

  3. The words "Even so," shows your resilience, strength of character, and optimism, Ruth. Life is full of little and big messes but it is not about throwing up your hands in disbelief but keeping those hands close together in prayer. Communities of believers are what we all need.

  4. Yes, Ruth, life does seem to go on in spite of it all. Lovely haiku.

  5. I almost missed the daily gratitude routine. I've joined on Twitter with a daily #haynaku (three lines: one word, two words, three words).

    This poem is so YOU. Crises after crises and you keep at it with positivity day after day. Hooray for tea. It helps, amirite? (Side note, "amirite" is not a misspelling, but a real word that has been added to the dictionary. :-)

  6. The echo of "e'en so" reverberates.
    I am doing a gratitudinal wordplay poetry practice this month as well - glad to read yours!

  7. I'm not writing every day, but just making a list of good things every day. I'm glad you're finding this tiny respite 'away', Ruth. Always sending positive thoughts for you & for Haiti!

  8. Ruth your precise little poem evoked memories of the role tea played in our household when I was growing up. Peace maker, actitivy breaker, time marker, visitor offering. Such a perfect way to end your poem. Invaluable beverage -tea.

  9. Ruth, so glad you are finding the silver linings of constancy. Peace.

  10. Structure and habitude as insulation, protection. You are wise, my friend. But I don't like "as long as the internet keeps working." Your haiku is perfection.

  11. Ruth, I so admire your positive attitude, determination, and ability to focus on creating during such turmoil. My thoughts so often turn to you. I've just started playing around with gratiku or at least small poems of gratitude in my notebook this month. I'm missing those October prompts.

  12. Ruth, I'm so glad you find ways to keep going... your sharing of it helps more than you know. Thank you. Tea, yes, please.

  13. Perfect Gratiku Ruth! Yes to our sun rising and that lovely kettle whistling bringing us some sense of continuity… Hoping you are safe and things will calm some. Thanks for your optimism!
