Friday, December 10, 2021

Poetry Friday: Happy Birthday, Emily Dickinson!

This week my tropically raised son experienced his first snow since he left home for college. I'm sharing a snow poem today by Emily Dickinson, whose birthday this is, with an illustration sent by my son.


Snow beneath whose chilly softness
Some that never lay
Make their first Repose this Winter
I admonish Thee

Blanket Wealthier the Neighbor
We so new bestow
Than thine acclimated Creature
Wilt Thou, Austere Snow?


Emily Dickinson


I don't think anybody's reposing under the snow in my son's photo, but it's certainly true that we have lost many people since this time last year, whether to COVID or other causes. The snow softens everything for a while. Happy birthday, Emily!

Today's roundup is here.


  1. A wish for the snow's kindness & a celebration for your son's first look is a wonderful thing to imagine, Ruth.

  2. The photo makes me wish for snow. I bet it was fun for your son to experience.

  3. Snow has a soft gentleness about it but harsh when it brings sadness. May your son experience the beauty of snow, ruth.

  4. We had a a lot of snow this week as well. I hope your son is enjoying the new experiences (snow and school). Thanks for sharing this Emily Dickinson poem with us today.

  5. Happy birthday to ol' Em - there's 'snow'one quite like her. Poetry helps with the 'softening' of the hard aspects of life. :)

  6. I love the "chilly softness" of snow!

  7. Miss of the very, very, best shining stars in my sky.

  8. Snow is a soft blanket that dampens noise and hides ugliness- for a while. I learnt that when I lived in NYC after arriving from a part of Australia that never saw snow- so I understand your son's wonderment, Ruth. Happy Birthday Emily!

  9. Do people choose to leave warm climates for the cold snowy winters? Hahaha. We have had some mild snows here, but we haven't had a blanketing snow yet this season. They are beautiful (once or twice - and then...). Thank you for the lovely photo and poem. I had not realized it was Emily Dickinson's birthday until late in the day on Friday. Perfect for a Poetry Friday celebration.

  10. The snow does soften everything. We got 11" Friday/yesterday. Thanks for sharing this lovely poem, Ruth :>)

  11. Ack, how did I miss Emily's birthday?? Thanks for pointing it out, and I hope your son thoroughly enjoyed that snow. We got a fair amount of snow on Friday, but it's mostly melted now as we prepare for a near-record high and possible tornado conditions today. :/

    Here's to calm, normal, lovely snows.

  12. Snow is lovely after it first falls, and "chilly softness" describes it so well. Thanks for sharing Emily Dickinson's poem Ruth, and your son's pic–hope he enjoys it throughout the season…
