Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Slice of Life Tuesday: New Year, New Birds

This morning it was 82 degrees at sunrise here in Asunción, Paraguay. It's supposed to get up to 106 today. I was out trying to identify some birds in the yard of the place we're staying temporarily. The air conditioning drowns out the sounds, and there are so many birds I don't recognize yet. After moving from a place where I knew every visitor to my yard, I am starting again with all new ones. "Be patient," I remind myself, thinking back to my early days of birding in Haiti, when I was operating in this same haze of ignorance. The difference is that the list of likely sightings here is so very much longer. 

This is my first Slice of Life posting of 2022, as I begin the year in a South American heatwave. Welcome to each new experience, each new bird.


  1. New place -- new sights -- I bet that's exciting, too.
    Your temperature caught my attention, as here, it was 2 degrees on Sunday morning. With wind chills of negative 8.

  2. That sounds interesting! Looking forward to your posts on the new sights.

  3. Dear Ruth,

    Please accept my very best wishes for your new beginning in Paraguay. I will continue to hold you and your family in the Light.

    Enjoy all the new experiences, the new voices, and the new birds! This past year we had an unusually large population of house wrens around here, and while they were noisy at times I came to love their wide, wild and crazy tessitura.

    Sharon Shelly
