Thursday, February 17, 2022

Poetry Friday: Poems with Facts

I signed up weeks ago for a Crowdcast put on by the Alaska Quarterly Review on February 16th, but then I forgot about it and went to sleep, but fortunately they recorded it, and I got to watch it the next day. And now you can watch it too, here. It's Jane Hirshfield and Dorianne Laux talking about turning facts into poems. It's so good. (There's some salty language; not for children.) 




Laura Purdie Salas has today's roundup.  


  1. Oh wow - Thanks so much for this link, Ruth! I look forward to listening to more when I've got some time. (& logistical FYI - your link in the Roundup went to a January post when I clicked it; I then clicked the top of your page and was transported to the present!) ;0)

  2. Thanks, Robyn! I went and added the right link, but I can't see how to delete the other one!

  3. Oooh, what a treat! Thanks for sharing the link! :)

  4. I love listening to writers talk about writing. Thanks for sharing this link!

  5. Thanks for sharing this (salty) conversation, Ruth! I look forward to listening. xo

  6. Oh, thank you for sharing! I'm excited to listen to this next week!

  7. Glad they made a recording and how kind of you to share it with us. I'm looking forward to hearing it, thanks Ruth!

  8. I wonder if we're all going to land there together, watching it. I'm looking forward to this. Thanks!

  9. Ruth, thanks so much for the video. It is a wonderful surprise. I hope all is fine for you in your new home. Best Wishes.

  10. I thought I left a comment, but don't see it. Thanks for sharing this, will listen this evening.

  11. Thanks Ruth. This adds further to my understanding of Docu-poetry. The notion that one can find inspiration from contemporary facts or delve into history.

  12. Oooooh, Ruth--I am excited to watch this when I have a wee bit more brainspace, especially to get to the part you mentioned about the facts of climate change. I'll write you about a reading group.

  13. Gosh! Thanks for the link! Right up my alley... poems about "the real" :)

    -- WAIT, isn't it all real? - lol

    Seeing it is an hour+, I am bookmarking and hope to dive into this on the weekend!
