Friday, March 08, 2024

SJT and Poetry Friday: Praise What Comes

Parker Palmer posted a poem this week that resonated with me and I'm going to share it today. I decided that it can do double duty for SJT (Spiritual Journey Thursday) and PF (Poetry Friday). The SJT theme for March is Gathering Goodness. (You can find the roundup here at Ramona's place.) And Laura's hosting this week's Poetry Friday roundup.


There have been lots of hard things lately. I won't go into them except to mention that watching Haiti deteriorate still further has been painful. I feel helpless and a bit guilty for not being there and suffering along with everyone else. 


There's more tough stuff too, but I'm trying hard to gather goodness, focusing on positive things like our lakeside Sports Day yesterday (see photo), our day off today for International Women's Day, the fact that I got in to see a dentist right away without an appointment and am now pain-free, our poetry month celebrations at school (March here, not April) for which I'm writing daily, and the lifer Red-headed Lovebirds that I saw last weekend (see photo from eBird).

Photo Source:

This link has three lovely poems from Jeanne Lohmann, all three of which speak to my current condition, but the one that Parker Palmer posted (and he probably picked a peck of pickled peppers, too) was the second at the link, "Praise What Comes." Here's part of it:

Surprising as unplanned kisses, all you haven't deserved
of days and solitude, your body's immoderate good health
that lets you work in many kinds of weather. Praise
talk with just about anyone. And quiet intervals, books
that are your food and your hunger; nightfall and walks
before sleep.
from "Praise What Comes," by Jeanne Lohmann


  1. Ruth, thank you for sharing those three poems! I could read them every day until forever.

  2. Beautiful praise poems, Ruth - and reminders, undoubtedly, when our bodies, our minds require a boost. Praying for Haiti, and for you!

  3. Ruth, you've introduced me to a new poet! And she lives near where I used to live. I feel your concern for Haiti (we have friends who are associated with Water for Life) and so many parts of our world. It's why I decided to make our theme Gathering Goodness. Thanks for writing and sharing this new-to-me poet. I am excited to explore her poems.

  4. Ruth: I'm sorry for the hard things and hope life brings some solace. The poems are wonderful, as is the lifer bird sighting, thank you for sharing. Prayers coming your way.

  5. I like her "dialogue with the invisible" and the small noticing in nature she does, which is magnanimous and makes you feel alive. I thought of you when I heard a report about Haitis this week… The world is really a mess all over. Thanks for sharing these three poems Ruth, glad you are writing, and thanks for the lovely Lovebird!

  6. Thank you for sharing Ruth, and happy Poetry Friday! Wishing you solace in the little things, that the excerpt you posted detailed so beautifully.

  7. "books that are your food and your hunger" - thanks for sharing this lovely poem. Ruth, I'm sorry for all the hard things you're carrying. Just yesterday, I was reading an article about Haiti, and my thoughts went immediately to you. I'm glad you're finding positive things to try to focus on too, despite what sounds like layers of hard things. Hugs xox

  8. Lohmann's poems are beautiful, Ruth. They seem a little Buddhist, or maybe I should say Buddhist-adjacent. Last night when I was writing in my gratitude journal, I kept falling asleep. So I would be in the middle of writing something and then nod off, wake up and try to read it and be like, "??" I got the whole thing done, but this morning I was laughing out loud trying to figure out what I was talking about. I have no idea. Praise, but confusing. Sending you a hug.

  9. What a beautiful poem you end with. I'm sorry things have been rough. Haiti is in a world of pain still. I cannot imagine what it will take for her to turn around. One of the missionaries there that's associated with our church is there (not on the mainland) and has given so, so, so much. I wish I could do something to gather goodness IN Haiti. Sending you hugs and prayers.

  10. Ruth, within the realm of life there is always fragility and uncertainty. You are feeling the heavy load as many others do. Yet, you find the words to praise and be positive. There are many avenues to positivity. I am glad that you tapped into the positive aspects. I just heard a story about a man who was always positive at work and at home. That is such a wonderful thought. I hope to be more positive about little things that annoy me. May the Lord bring you peace. Thank you for the 3 poems. They are powerful.

  11. I so love the entire notion of "Gathering Goodness" - how life affirming and hopeful. I've been watching the news about Haiti, and it's heartbreaking. We need to gather more goodness indeed in our lives.

  12. Thank you for this, Ruth, and or the reminder to gather goodness. xo
