Thursday, August 01, 2024

SJT: Pause to Reflect

A Facebook friend posted the following picture yesterday:

I'm sorry to say that nobody succeeded in preventing August from getting here: not the Grinch, not my Facebook friend, and not me. It's here, and that means we're going back to school in just a few days.

Our SJT host this month, Carol, is encouraging us to pause to reflect. That's a good idea, because it's going to be my last chance for a while. Ready or not, school is coming, with all the work and stress. We just got back to Uganda, and we're slammed by jet lag, but we're also enjoying a brief pause before the school year begins.

Psalm 46:10: "Be still and know that I am God." A pause to reflect reminds us that we're not in charge. God is. Even in August.

Read what others have to say about this topic here.


  1. Thank you, Ruth, for the needed reminder that we are not in charge. That is true and yet hard to realize. I wish you energy, joy, and patience for the school year ahead.

  2. I'm right there with you, Ruth. Today is our first day of PD. Kids come next week, ready or not. I'll admit I'm a little excited!

  3. Ruth, it's that time of year for teachers. Enjoy the pause before the hustle and bustle of a new school year. Also, activate your energy by taking long naps. Jet lag is so annoying, especially in the heat. I am thankful for Psalm 46:10 that you shared with us. "Be still and know that I am God." I sometimes slip and don't start off by being still and honoring the Lord's presence. Have a good start with your classes.

  4. Ruth, time does seem to fly. When I was working it seemed summer vacation was over before it even began. The beginning of a new school year is always stressful. Pausing at this time is so important. We need to take stock of where we are and what our goals for the new year will be. Enjoy your pause before things begin to get hectic. May it recharge you for the coming school year. Bob

  5. Ruth, so glad that you have a brief pause before heading back to school. I remember the hectic beginnings and then the pause that arrived after I realized it was okay to be back. Thanks for sharing this scripture that I love and reminding us that we are not in charge.
    Here's to a few days of pause and then a wonderful beginning with your new students.

  6. Ruth, I hope your jet lag is subsiding and you feel refreshed as you begin another school year. "Be Still" has been my latest mantra -- such great comfort when we can stop and pause and remember we are being held. Blessings on the coming year!
