Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm Ready!

OK, kids, you can come to school now! I'm ready!


Bridget said...

You are a brave woman, Ruth! I hope the beginning of the year goes very well for you!

Jessica said...

you sound so excited...

Ruth said...

Bridget, this is always the time when I love teaching the most - the weekend before school actually starts! :-)

Jess, yes, I am!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sure teachers everywhere are jealous because not all of us are ready. My first day of classes is this Tuesday. And, I'm still working on finishing up my syllabus. I'm teaching one undergraduate class this fall, in addition to my regular full time (non-teaching) job. I am looking forward to getting back into the classroom, though I don't feel quite prepared, yet.