The kids are gone; the halls are quiet; the debris is still to be dealt with.
I spent the morning corralling kids, signing off on cleaned-out lockers, getting textbooks returned and checking them against my list, preventing mayhem, attending a promotion ceremony, helping serve at a reception, hugging kids, signing yearbooks, getting workers to remove locks from lockers (this was pretty exciting and involved sparks, so of course everyone wanted to crowd into the hall to watch), getting probably fifty books back for my classroom library (found in bedrooms and lockers and at the bottom of backpacks), and generally ending the year.
It's over.
5 hours ago
So now what? What are you looking forward to over the summer?
Well, I was going to sleep in this morning, but I woke up anyway...
I have some work to finish at school still and then it's packing for our trip - we're going to spend some time in the US. I'm very ready for a break!
Actually what I usually spend a lot of my time doing is thinking about school, buying books for school, reading about teaching...pathetic, really. But I'm hoping to do some hiking, reading non-school-related stuff, visiting family, that kind of thing.
Will you be able to blog in the states (I hope)?
Yeah, I'm sure I will. :-)
I'm a little kids are finishing up this week...4 more days to go...a 5th grade promotion on Wednesday...all of parties...can't wait for it to be DONE!!
Enjoy your summer!
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