Monday, October 31, 2022

Birdtober: Links to all the poems, 2022!


In this post you can find links to all my Birdtober content from 2022, all 31 days of it!

1: Rooster

2: Campo Flicker

3: Macaroni Penguin 

4: Hummingbirds

5: Swan 

6: Zebra Finch

7: Secretarybird 

8: Carolina Parakeet

9: Razorbill 

10: Pileated Woodpecker

11: Saffron Finch 

12: Black Drongo

13: Turtle-Dove 

14: Philippine Eagle

15: Pied Avocet 

16: Southern Lapwing

17: Spix's Macaw 

18: Snow Bunting

19: Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo 

20: Cerulean Warbler

21: Kakapo 

22: Red-headed Lovebird

23: Eurasian Jay  

24: Greater Antillean Bullfinch

25: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

26: Great Myna

27: African Golden Oriole 

28: White-browed Tit-Warbler

29: Shoebill

30: Egyptian Vulture 

31: Barn Owl





1 comment:

  1. Wow, Ruth, what a wing-filled October! Fabulous that you were able to write every day. YAY! xo
