Saturday, April 15, 2017

April 15th: Jailbreak

I know my plan was to share from my archives this month, but this one just seems so appropriate for Holy Saturday and springtime that I have to share it.

by Maya Spector

It’s time to break out —
Jailbreak time.
Time to punch our way out of
the dark winter prison.
Lilacs are doing it
in sudden explosions of soft purple,
And the jasmine vines, and ranunculus, too.
There is no jailer powerful enough
to hold Spring contained.
Let that be a lesson.
Stop holding back the blossoming!

Here's the rest of the poem.

And Brenda has today's Progressive Poem line here.

1 comment:

Matsu said...

I like this poem, but I was surprised by the absence of daffodils. You should write your own jailbreak poem featuring daffodils bursting from the snowy frozen ground in a race to be first.

Thanks for posting this poem.