Thursday, January 16, 2025

Poetry Friday: Writing Group

I'm in a new writing group. I can hardly say it out loud. The last time I was in a writing group was when I was still in Haiti. By the time I left there, the members were already in several different time zones. It got too complicated to work out meetings. Now I'm meeting with someone (just two of us so far) in person, across from each other at a real wooden table instead of on Zoom. Is it real? It feels too good to be true.

We've only met once. We shared some work. Then the other group member showed me a poem she'd written in addition to her prose piece. It brought tears to my eyes. I asked to take a photo of it with my phone. She said yes, and I did. I remembered how much I love writing and being around writing, especially now that I'm teaching something different. 

I've written so little since moving here. I make myself do Birdtober and I've participated in the Poetry Month here (March), writing daily. I have a few things in my folder. But maybe I'll have more now.

Here's something I wrote in March. Like my friend's poem, it's about motherhood. Hers was better. But at least I wrote.


hugs and kisses


©Ruth Bowen Hersey

Miss Rumphius has this week's roundup.


Tabatha said...

I'm excited for you, Ruth! So glad you will be enjoying the company of a fellow poetry enthusiast. Your poem is perfectly poignant. xo

Jane @ said...

Whenever this stage of life gets me feeling overwhelmed, I try to remind myself that there will come a time when my child doesn't want or need me around him as much, and I will miss all these little steps in our daily routines.

Janet said...

Anything that gets you writing more sounds good to me! I love this poem.