The new transformer has been installed. The power company came today and put it up on the pole, only three weeks after we purchased it. (We went together with a bunch of neighbors, knowing that the power company would not replace the burned-out one in our lifetimes.)
We're excited - now when/if the city power comes on tonight, we'll have lights! (Right now we're running the generator.)
And just think, gentle reader, now this blog can stop being all about how I have no electricity. I was about to change the title to "Whine Whine Whine Poor Me in the Dark."
1 hour ago
coming from a country that is mostly without electricity- believe me I can relate to the whines- but I'm glad that you now will be blest with electricity!! Boy doesn't it feel good!!!???
Thanks Desertstar, but as you can see, our joy was short-lived.
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