Saturday, July 19, 2008

Because there are Lots of Countries in the World and it's Hard to Keep Track of Them

Nation Of Andorra Not In Africa, Shocked U.S. State Dept. Reports


theorivas said...

Mumambu and Claw Island...that is TOO funny! And yet, sad because I think it speaks a bit of the truth of basic American knowledge of Africa.

Those Andorrans...they know where they are, they should have told us.

Thanks for posting these. I forget to watch them on my own.

BTW, your zoo photos are so green and lush! It is shocking to me, given that our summers are dry and brown. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I can't stop laughing! Two more perfect poker faces couldn't be found anywhere.

(EVERYBODY knows Andorra is an island in the South Pacific!)