Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Slice of Life Tuesday: Charging

On Sunday, yet another charger bit the dust. This time, it broke in half. The magnetized part was still stuck into the computer, and it took a while to get it out. I finally did, though. And thankfully I had one remaining working charger.


I don't like to have just one charger. I like backups. I like security. But although another charger has been on order for a while, it hasn't come yet. I live in fear that this charger will quit too.


This time was better than the last charger death, when the thing burst into flames. There it was, still attached to my computer, burning. I grabbed it and threw it on the floor and stomped on it, and there wasn't any damage to the computer. But my heartrate didn't slow back down to normal for a good twenty minutes.


I spend so much time and energy trying to keep my devices charged. Electricity is sporadic where I live, so I keep things plugged in whenever I can. When the charger doesn't work right, I wiggle and rig and hold it up in the air and somehow keep the juice flowing. But all this depends on having a charger that's all in one piece and not burned up.


Electronics aren't the only things that need to stay charged. Life takes a lot out of you, and you have to find ways to keep up your energy levels, your spirits, your light. You have to sleep and eat right. You have to relax with something that makes you happy. You have to do something creative every once in a while. Sometimes it feels like a luxury, but you have to stay charged. Do you have working chargers that haven't broken or combusted? What are they? How do you keep them plugged in? 


Check out other posts on Slice of Life Tuesday at Two Writing Teachers. 


Carol Varsalona said...

Ruth, what a novel way to move from electronic devices to a slice on recharging our lives. I do sympathize with your charger dilemma. While I do not have that problem, I do have electronic issues. Yesterday, in the midst of mayhem over the move, I had internet issues that befuddled me. Let's see what today brings for the both of us. Stay well and good luck.

Chris & Dave said...

Wow! You painted a scary scene with your cord on fire. Thankfully without harm to your computer! My heart was racing just reading about it.
Your post also reminds me of all the things I take for granted.

Karen J. McLean said...

I think that may be a new mantra for me when dealing with anxious moments: "Grab it. Throw it on the floor. Stomp on it." Words of pure gold.

Thank you for the reminder to keep my soul at full.

mbhmaine said...

What a great post, Ruth! I love how you moved from keeping your devices charged to keeping yourself charged. I have what I call a "pantry mentality"--I need to have back-ups at hand (in the pantry) to feel comfortable. So, I can totally relate to your charger situation. On the other hand, I hadn't thought about applying this approach to myself and my own well-being. Interesting! Now, I'll be pondering what back-ups I have on hand for my own low-energy times. Thanks!