Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Birdtober Day Four: Superb Fruit-Dove


Source: eBird.com

One of 59 species in the fruit-dove family,
frugivorous cousins in Asia and Oceania,
this one is special.
Orange, green, purple,
yet living in such a brightly-colored habitat
that it blends right in.
Cooing while nibbling on figs and berries,
co-parenting contentedly
by taking turns to incubate the single egg:
just out there being superb all day long.

©Ruth Bowen Hersey

1 comment:

Michelle Kogan said...

What a regal and fun looking bird, your last line captures it well,
"just out there being superb all day long." I like the co-parenting too!
I'm still working on a poetry and art bird book and the last bird I wrote on, the Xinjiang ground jay also co-parents.