Saturday, April 13, 2019

NPM: Day 13

Last year, Easter was on April 1st, and so National Poetry Month all fell in Eastertide. This year feels like an uncomfortable mixture of Lent, a time of fasting, and NPM, a time of gorging. At least today I have some haiku, which feels a little bit appropriate, like eating edamame instead of whole boxes of chocolates. (Mind you, I can polish off a big bowl of edamame all by myself...)

This link from Mary Lee's blog has been hanging around my desktop for a long time, suggesting that I try something similar. Mary Lee shared an Issa haiku:

I'm the type
who'd rather have dumplings
than blossoms

Issa, 1814

Click the link and read Mary Lee's responses, and then the responses in the comments. 

I finally wrote some of my own last week.

I’m the type
who’d rather have a train
than a car.

I’m the type
who’d rather have tea
than champagne.

I’m the type
who’d rather have flip flops
than snow boots.

I’m the type
who’d rather have books
than diamonds.

  Here's today's line in the Progressive Poem.


Mary Lee said...

I'm the type who would love to meet a like-minded soul for a cup of tea during a long train ride across unfamiliar countryside.

Linda B said...

Oh, I love this and see that I even commented, but do not remember it at all. Thanks for posting, Ruth! I'd still rather be outdoors than in!